Ameraucana: Ermines -- Juveniles & Adults

from $30.00

a Flower Feather Farm flock

Ameraucanas are lovely blue-egg layers and are frequently the most social and affectionate of our hatchlings. And who can resist their cute muffs and beards?

Ermine Ameraucanas are a project breed, meaning that they are not yet recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) and every decent Ermine Ameraucana flock-keeper is working towards meeting the Standard of Perfection (SOP) by carefully selecting chicks and grow-outs for the breeding pens. Learn more about that here: How Hard Can it Be?

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Color, Sex, Age:
Blue Eggs Please!

If we don’t have the chicks you want on hand right now, or you desire a later hatch date, it is easy to reserve the chicks you want. Follow the instructions here: Reserve Chicks.

Alternately, you can sign up on the notification list above to be notified if there are chicks available after the Reserve requests have been filled.  I will add the chicks to the website and you will get a notification email and can buy them off the website. 

Straight-run means that they are unsexed.  Click. here to learn more about sexing chicks.

Next Ameraucana Hatchings

“The Ameraucana is an American breed of domestic chicken. It was developed in the United States in the 1970s, and derives from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. It was bred to retain the blue-egg gene but eliminate the lethal alleles of the parent breed. There are both standard-sized and bantam versions.

History of the Ameraucana

The Ameraucana was developed in the United States in the 1970s from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. It was bred to retain the unusual blue-egg gene of the Araucana, but eliminate the tufted and rumpless lethal alleles of the parent breed. It was added to the Standard of Perfection of the American Poultry Association in 1984. The name derives from "America" and "Araucana",

The Ameraucana is recognized in the United States as a separate breed from the Araucana. In some other countries, including Australia and the United Kingdom, both the tailed and rumpless variants of the Araucana are considered a single breed.

Characteristics of the Ameraucana

The Ameraucana is one of the few chicken breeds to lay blue eggs. It shows many similarities to the Araucana, including the pea comb and the blue egg gene. It is tailed, muffed and bearded, whereas the Araucana in the United States has ear tufts and is rumpless. The earlobes are small and round, the wattles small or absent; earlobes, comb and wattles are all red. The shanks are slate-blue, tending to black in the black plumage variant.

Eight color variants are recognized in the American Standard of Perfection: black, blue, blue wheaten, brown red, buff, silver, wheaten and white” (Wikipedia).

Ameraucana: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash -- Juveniles & Adults
from $10.00
Wheaten Olive Egger Chick
Wheaten Oliver Eggers -- Juveniles & Adults
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Ameraucana: Ermines Chick
from $30.00
Ameraucana: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Chick